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Power Semiconductor
Research Center


PSRC logo



Membership Options


Membership Agreements

Technical Reports

Annual Reports

TWGM Reports


Past Sponsors

Graduate Students

Industrial Scholars


Annual Reports

All sponsors of PSRC are invited to an Annual Meeting where the results of research performed for each fiscal year is described. Graduate students will deliver 30 minute papers about their research effort. Time is allocated to asking technical questions and holding discussions during each presentation. Several opportunities are provided for social interaction between sponsor and students to create recruiting opportunities.

Each Annual Report contains an extensive Directors report that summarizes the activity of the center for the fiscal year. The Annual Report contains a four page abstract of each paper that is presented at the Annual Meeting. The annual Report also contains the biographical data of the graduate students. Publications and technical reports accruing from the research done at PSRC are listed in the appendix to allow sponsors to access this material if desired.
